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Retired Pastor - Doug Stull

Have you ever wondered why you are in a certain place, doing a particular job, married to a certain person?  We are reared in a family, go to school, find employment, start a family of our own, try to find enjoyment in life, and eventually die. 

If we have no long-range meaning for our lives other than to obtain pleasure and materialistic success, life's struggles to succeed seem futile. Without knowing why we're here, what we're to do, and where we're going, there's really nothing on earth that can give us a purpose for living. Trying to find meaning in things that have no real power to strengthen us, we can finally surrender to despair.

Though my life was filled with despairing thoughts, God was always pursuing me.  Yet, I avoided surrendering my life to Christ.  At 21 years of age, broken by the meaningless of life, I repented of my sin and decided to follow the beckoning call of Christ. Through my confession, God miraculously put an end to the emptiness of my life.  

My conversion was not explosive nor emotional.  However, it was real.  The desires of my heart changed from wanting to please myself to pleasing God. God reciprocated by filling my life with His Spirit, allowing me to drink freely of the reservoir of His grace. I became aware of a new voice within me evaluating my thoughts, controlling my words, monitoring my emotions, and directing my actions.  

As I listened to that inner voice, God gradually took possession of my life.  I was and still am wonderfully changed from the inside out. This miracle of my spiritual rebirth answered life's haunting questions.  I now know that the purpose of my life is to glorify God. I am here to share the gospel of Christ with anyone who will listen.  My destination is heaven.  

What an adventure of inexplicable joy it's been with the Savior of my soul directing my steps.  My heart's desire is to grow more deeply in His love. I pray that he will use me as a bridge to others who want to experience the soul-transforming power of Jesus Christ.